New Here?
Welcome! We're glad you've found us!
Looking for a new church can be somewhat overwhelming, so we'd like to help you by telling you a little bit
about what you can expect when visiting SouthPoint Church.
SouthPoint Church is a nondenominational, multicultural, and multigenerational church where you can come as
you are and feel right at home. Our dress code is casual; the sanctuary has chairs instead of pews. We have
two worship services at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM. Our 9:00 AM service is focused on more of a Traditional style of
worship with many of the Hymns we've all come to love. Our 11:00 AM service is more of a Contemporary style
with many of the songs from today.
SouthPoint Church is located at: 105 E. Central Avenue Bushnell, Florida.
Parking at SouthPoint Church is made easy and convenient. A parking attendant will direct you to the Visitors
Parking Area, and an Usher or Greeter will meet you at the Worship Center entrance with a bottle of cold water.
Our Sunday mornings begin with an adult Fresh Start Class at 9:00 AM. This class is designed to equip new
believers as well as those seeking a deeper understanding of God’s word. This class is located behind Café area.
Our Café and Coffee Bar opens at 8:00 AM where you can enjoy a complimentary pastry along with coffee
and juices.
Our Worship Services begin at 9:00 AM &11:00 AM. During this time we gather to worship God through praise,
singing, giving, and hearing the Word of God as it is shared by one of our Pastors. If you are uncomfortable in
large crowds you are welcome to worship with us in the Café where everything is livestreamed.
During our worship service we offer:
Nursery (Age 0-2)
Pre-K (Age 3-5)
Children's Ministries (Ages 6-12).
At SouthPoint Church we are passionate about our children! Our background checked staff of volunteers helps our
kids encounter Jesus each week by planting the seeds of the gospel in the hearts and minds of every child.
These classes are a highlight for our children as we play games, sing, and most importantly, teach them the key
doctrines of the Christian faith in fun and engaging ways.
Sunday 9:30 AM, and 5:00 PM.
Our Student Ministry is designed for ages 13-17 and offers more than programs and events. This Ministry is
designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God.
Our goal is to help young people reach their full God given potential. We accomplish this by reaching into their
personal and spiritual growth, and teach them how to be responsible to the life, mission, and purpose that God
created within each of them.
Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM. Our midweek service is a great opportunity to worship God by sitting under the
teaching of God's Word. This study is an in-depth, interactive study where you may share your thoughts and
comments. This class is also livestreamed on our website, or our FaceBook page. FB: SouthPoint Church Bushnell
We invite you to come and visit us this week!
For more information about other ministries, core beliefs, and events, we invite you to browse the individual ministry
pages in the menu.